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What we do


The primary purpose of the ministry is to assist St. John Bosco Parish in propagating and spreading the word of God, inviteand usher its parishioners to worship God through soulful and liturgical music; also to assist the parish in its cultural programmes, activities and celebrations.

As a ministry, it has defined structure, leadership and programmes for the upliftment of talents and service of individual members, spiritual and community life development, socio-civic responsibilities and general missionary undertakings in compliance with the decrees of Vatican II, the fourth synod of Manila (1979), PCP II (1991).

Our mission and vision


We envision ourselves:

  • as active animators of liturgical worship through music;

  • as an organized community that develops the talents of its members;

  • as a committed and enthusiastic group that encourages people to serve God and the community;

  • as a bridge that builds and supports healthy relationship among our members and other parish groups.


We commit therefore to:

  • prepare in all aspects for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist;

  • help and encourage each member to share and develop his/her leadership and musical potential skills;

  • participate actively in the different parish activities;

  • assist and serve the other parish groups in any way we can;

  • conceptualize and implement activities that will instill in the members the willingness to serve; 

  • build warm and harmonious atmosphere among members, other groups, organizations or ministry.

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